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Investment Parnter

Grow your money

Investment Partner Program

Our investor program is made up of 4 tiers, bronze, silver, gold, and diamond. Whatever tier you may choose to invest in we look forward to having you join our team!


At the bronze tier the buy in is $10,000. At this tier we will invest the money into a pool of business's. You will have to final say into what business's you will want to invest in. You will not be able to withdraw your investment for a minimum of 1 year.


At the silver tier the buy in is $50,000. You will get the same benefits as the bronze tier. Alongside it you will be able to choose how and when the money is used in your investment alongside being able to withdraw your funds in 6 months.


At the gold tier the buy in is $100,000. You will receive bronze and silver benefits alongside a stake in the business or business's you choose to invest in. You will also have the option to bring in a business you think has potential. 


At the diamond tier the buy in is $1,000,000. With this investment you will receive all the other tiers benefits alongside a 5% stake in HeLo Investments shares, a chair on the Board of Directors, monthly overviews of all business we are invested in. 

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